Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Creative Living Online - First Workshop

Our project 'launched' on Monday 4th June with an all day workshop. It was a very full day and by all accounts, a good one!!

We started the day learning about the Australian Flexible Learning Framework - thanks Allison Miller! We moved onto an Elearning presentation by Michael Coghlan - fantastic! Then we discussed things like what teamwork was (thanks Don!), the expectations of OUR team, and we spent some time discussing the course materials we will be learning to put online (a current face to face course called 'Creative Living'). We then learnt about blogs.

The last half of the day was spent on Moodle training (thanks Richard Wallace from Bright Cookie!).

All in all - a fairly full on day but a lot to take away and think about!!

Friday, June 1, 2007

Welcome to my blog!

Hi everyone! This is my first blog! What an original opening statement!

I'm looking forward to beginning the Creative Living Online project on Monday 4th June. We have a fantastic team of people with very diverse skills and interests so I'm looking forward to learning from and with them!

Have now set up a Moodle classroom for our project team to use as a 'portal' and house the various resources we collect during this learning journey. Actually looking forward to learning how to use more features in Moodle so I can make it more interactive for the team and not simply a place to put links!!

That's all for now. Exciting wasn't it !!!! Hopefully this blog will be an interesting read to those beginning their elearning journey. I hope it becomes a useful resource!
